#8: Sunshine appreciation

2025-03-11 08:52:00am

Perfect Arctic conditions today, blue sky, low wind and 20 below, you couldn’t ask for better! Our ski down Reindalen was nothing short of picturesque, with panoramic views of beautiful peaks in every direction. The mountains and rock formations here are so unique, and paired with the incredible light and shadows at this time of year, creates a vista that will keep one entertained for hours.

About 40 minutes into the first session of the day, we skied out into sunshine, and stopped for a 1 minute ‘sunshine appreciation break’. We smiled, took photos, felt the slightest warmth on our cheeks, and marvelled at seeing our shadows for the first time in a week!

We found out today that Reindalen is aptly named, a web of reindeer tracks sprawled across the valley, and reindeer were dotted all around us. This did also mean we had the binoculars out a fair bit today, inspecting suspiciously bear-shaped reindeer, none of which turned out to be bears thankfully!

Today was a huge day, and a layer of snow on the surface has been making our progress a little slower than it could be. Camp set up was a little tricky with shallow/icy ground, but we made it work.

Tomorrow will be another big day, and our last full day of the expedition. It’s new territory for Steven and I, so we’ll all be seeing this valley for the first time! Exciting!

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