#6: extreme day

2023-03-09 06:12:47am
Wind persisted overnight but the minimum temperate was a balmy -17c. A bit too warm for our double sleeping bags. We began skiing up Sveig glacier under an overcast sky but the surface was great, sleds gliding nicely behind us. A lull in the wind has us thinking things were on the mend but by noon we were skiing into a strong headwind with drift snow hurtling past our boots. Lunch was a challenge. As we continued skiing towards the pass the light turned to a pastel blue with shades of yellow wash on the peaks behind us. It was the perfect distraction from the challenging gale. We reached camp by mid afternoon, the only flat site in the area and like clockwork had 5 tents pitched in the teeth of the wind. Shortly after the wind finally died and we could breathe easy. In a tent with Nick tonight after 4 nights with Will. Forecast is for -30.
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